The Co-op Philosophy
At Bayside Co-op Preschool, we value our children's and families' happiness and well-being. Our vision for this play-based preschool is to provide children with a nurturing, rich and positive learning experience. In our hurried, pressured world, we believe in slowing down and allowing children to play. Children learn best through open-ended, creative play; it is crucial, sacred, and needs to be protected. Imagination and creativity are cultivated to develop happy, creative human beings for life. We celebrate and honor the whole child through developmentally appropriate activities to support their physical development, intellectual, and emotional growth. Our loving, supportive, and nurturing environment is the foundation for our children and families to flourish.
The Co-op Model allows families to be involved in their child’s education, build strong support systems with people who have similar values, create friendships, and have an important understanding of their child and their developmental stages.
The Co-op Model consists of:
Volunteering in the Classroom:
Toddler Class (1:3 Ratio): Each family works ~ 14 times per year (twice a month).
Preschool Class (1:5 Ratio): Each family works ~ 9 times per year (once a month).
On the workday, grown-ups (parents, grandparents, nannies, caregivers!) support, encourage, play with, and extend children’s experiences in the classroom.
Parent Education:
Three months out of the school year families meet with Teacher Daravan and/or a guest speaker to discuss current and relevant topics surrounding parenting, early childhood, and education, leaving families empowered to practice what they learn at the school and implement it at home. You are welcome to bring your friends to our Parent Education meetings. (Adults only).
Parent Job: Each family is responsible to help run the preschool. Jobs range from being a substitute teacher, play-dough maker, scholastic book orders, maintenance, fundraising, etc. See Parent Job Descriptions for more details.
The Bayside Co-op experience provides your children with a place to:
Develop and maintain a positive self-image.
Experience and trust adults other than their parents.
Increase independence, feelings of competence, social skills, and problem-solving abilities.
Learn to care for and cooperate with other children.
Express themselves through materials, movement, and language.
Increase a sense of curiosity through a variety of hands-on experiences.
Develop an awareness of their world.
The Bayside Co-op experience provides grown-ups a place to:
Develop realistic expectations of children at various stages of growth and development.
Gather resources from parents and the community to create a stimulating environment for children to develop their physical, cognitive, and social skills.
Develop a support system for yourself, your child, and your family.
Work creatively and cooperatively on the operation of the preschool.